Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"My favorite color is clear"

I almost remember the time when this video would have made so much sense to me

it's old but terrifying.

Guilty pleasure, or just pleasure? Steppin' into the Twilight zone

While I was here for the holidays:
My mom bought me this:
to curb my beach boredom (am i the only person who loathes sitting on a beach all day? Especially a beach where you can't even swim because it's teeming with large predators).

I was pretty ambivalent to the Twilight mania that hit in November mostly because I'd never even heard of the books. I noticed with delight that they'd cast Cedric Diggory but it wasn't enough to actually get me into the theaters to see what I'd heard was a terrible fluff bit of tween cinema (or those with OJD - Obsessive Jonas [brothers] Disorder -- thanks for that one, NYTIMES, but no thanks). So when my mom gave me the books I wasn't expecting too much except an escape.

I finished the first book like 18 hours after opening the cover. After calling the local Barnes and Noble and reserving the next three books in the series, I brunched, then ran out to buy them. The girl in line behind me (much older I might add) was also buying them. We smiled, exchanged courtesies, saw the identical books we were holding and immidiately fell to chattering wildly like the 12 year-olds we were. It was Edward Cullen this, Bella Swan that and blah blah blah.

I was fantasizing about Edward Cullen the way I'd drawn hearts around Mrs. DiCaprio when I was a Titanic-obsessed sixth grader. Fantasize yes, but not in a sexual way. The book is thankfully void of anything more dangerous than some kissing (really, who wants to think about high schooler sex? Isn't that why we have Gossip Girl).

So yes, I indulged my inner Hannah Montana (more on that later) and fell really, really hard for the Twilight books.

I also saw the movie. How hot is the Jacob kid? And of course, Edward? So hot.

For what I promise will be my one and only Twilight post I've included a Vanity Fair weborgy of cast pics, video, and Q and As, and a link (via AGH) to Stephanie Meyer's leaked copy of Midnight Sun, which is the story told from Edward's point of view.

Also, I might add that Twilight was a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the other book I brought along:

I started reading The War Within in mid-September and still haven't made it past the 100 page mark because I usually end my reading sessions abruptly by throwing the book at a wall. Cheney makes the bad vampire in Twilight look like the puppy from Marley and Me.
aaaaah, that's so much better. thanks

Hello, My name is Mr. Con-man McCrazyface, how do you do, sir?

The Vanity Fair article about Clark Rockefeller is CRAMAZING with a side of CRADICULOUS and a dash of CRAN-U-BELIEVE-IT (no? ok.). The fantastic article is here and it was the talk of the beach over Christmas break. This German immigrant moved to America with a completely false identity and for like 30 years he criss-crossed the country posing as a student, as royalty, and finally, as a Rockefeller. He infiltrated high-ish society in Cali, New York, and Boston and his story ends in Baltimore, right under our noses.

deeeear diary: things I've looked at so far

This girl takes beyootiful self portraits

these are some shots for Vogue's piece on prints!
A floating house on Lake Huron (say it outloud! huuuurrrronnnn!):
Gorge, gorge, gorge illustrations of big animals in a big city by Pietari Posti:

Meatwad make the moneys, he gets the honeys, he's drivin' in a car, living like a star, ice on his fingers and his toes...

This guide to most searched photoshop tricks is a LIFESAVER. Thankfully I've already found the airbrushing and hair coloring guide (LOL FOR REAL).


I was here:but i'm back now.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas to the girl who gave me a New Kids on the Block sleeping bag (which is still on my bed, keeping me warm every night)

This is to you my wonderful GES. I love you, boo!

Woman womanizer round-up

the first is by the All-American Rejects
(interesting, I like the artistic license they took with the lyrics: K-Fed you should have gotten more than just a pre-nup.) also, link has been fixed.

the second is by lilly allen

the third is by a french artist Slimy

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


From neatorama: a list of 9 gigantic hearts. I've been past two of them on boats (Tavarua and the one in Croatia) but I would very much like to go to them all! Hearts rock. I hope this kind of makes up for the mermaid post.


How to ruin a child hood memory: Part 1

When I was little my mom took me to some 'museum of wonders' somewhere. I wish I could remember more of the details, I want to say it was Portland but that can't be right. Anyway, the museum had a mummified mermaid that I had been really excited about seeing. In my head this was going to be a red-headed vixen with a seashell bathing suit a la "The Little Mermaid." Instead it was something like this:Horrific, right? Well I've tried to block it from my memory (semi-successfully since I can barely remember any of the details) but when I saw this link today it brought all of those nightmares flooding back into my life.

Oh hai, I'm in ur head, ruiningz ur memreez!

Red Ladies

The Clod Ensemble (a seemingly more pretentious version of Improv Everywhere) introduces the red ladies. Que chikie! "Agents" dress identically in red and black to bring attention to everything from human interaction to architecture.
Read their mission here:


This treehouse restaurant in New Zealand looks like where the unicorns live in my fairytale dreamland that I go to every night. It's cradiculous. I don't understand the physics of it but it's nice to see architecture working with nature instead of against it. Check out the offish website because it is soooo sexy

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pug Summer

I can't wait to get my pug now


Hey friends,
I need some help. I really love old recipes. Old as in ancient, medieval, or even just 100 year-old. Old. A few years ago I had a turkey prepared with a medieval recipe and it was the most fantastic thing in the world. Since then I've kept an eye out for old recipes. So if any of you out there find an old recipe please send it along!

I'm especially interested in beer recipes. When I was perusing the rare book room at the Peabody library I came across beer recipes from Henry VIII's own stoc.
The Peabody Library (not the rare book room though, it's off limits).

So in the spirit of "original" recipes I'm posting something I came across today on Kaiser Penguin Blog that is also in my homebrewing book (admittedly I have not gotten to this part yet): Chicken Beer.

Here's where the author of the post got the idea from:

“Take 10 gallons of ale and a large cock, the older the better; parboil the cock, flay him, and stamp him in a stone mortar until his bones are broken (you must gut him when you flay him). Then, put the cock into two quarts of sack, and put to it five pounds of raisins of the sun - stoned; some blades of mace, and a few cloves. Put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has been working, put the bag and ale together in vessel.” from Charlie Papazian’s “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing,” and originally from “The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digby Kt. Opened,” 1677.

And this is the method he came up with after some research:
  • 6lb light malt extract (or 10lb of 2-row, if you prefer all-grain)
  • 4 gallons of hard water
  • 2oz German magnum hops
  • 1 chicken
  • 1/2 gallon of dry white wine (”sack”)
  • 12oz raisins
  • cloves, thyme, and nutmeg to taste
  • white wine yeast (used Wyeast #735)

  1. Rub the bird with cloves and thyme.
  2. Bake the chicken. Eat half while enjoying a tasty homebrew.
  3. Crack the bones and stuff into a cheesecloth sack along with the raisins. Drop the sack into the wine to soak.
  4. Add spices to taste, and let sit for 2 days.
  5. Meanwhile, start the beer: Bring the 4 gallons to a boil, and add the malt extract and 1oz of hops.
  6. Let boil for 45 minutes, then add the other 1oz of hops. Boil for 15 more minutes.
  7. Remove the malt-water (called the “wort”) from heat and pour into your fermenter (a big plastic bucket or a glass carboy work equally well… just make sure you have an airlock to let the CO2 escape).
  8. Cool the wort - an ice bath works fine. Keep the pot covered and cool as quickly as you can to avoid contamination from wild bacteria or yeast. But don’t worry: have a homebrew instead.
  9. When the wort has cooled, pour in the yeast.
  10. After 2 days, the yeast will have magically transformed your wort into beer. But now it’s time to make it truly magical. Pour in the wine, cock-in-sack and all! Let this ferment for another 5 days.
  11. I recommend transferring at least once into a secondary fermenter, just because you’ll have some chicken fat to get rid of (this will reduce the head quality of the final brew). Throw out the sack o’ cock when you transfer: I tried to eat mine, but there really wasn’t any flavor left in it. Let it mature for at least a week, but a few months of aging will really improve your cock ale.
  12. Bottle (with boiled priming sugar) and let sit for 2 weeks to carbonate, or just keg and drink immediately.
Thank you, Kaiser Penguin, for such an incredible post!!!!! I am definitely going to try this out once I perfect my homebrewing.

Things I looked at today

Mostly all from two websites because I was Christmas shopping. I'm not one to get excited about sales but a "75% off" sticker is like porn for shoppers.

What we do in Texas on a Friday night.

We shake our thumbs at cows, we get off work at the factory (??), button up or long-sleeved blouses, smooth out our ankle length skirt and leave the kids with the men. PRAYER!
from videogum

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yes, you can haz cheezburger

A WEBSITE ABOUT HAMBURGERS! HOW MUCH DO I LOVE HAMBURGERS? So much that this is the background on my computer:So that's why I live for this website
Also, word up to the Houston Press (for whom I write) for getting this posted: Texas Burger Porn

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fuck you, Penguin.

from the new best website ever
"Okay, you're little, you've got soft pretty feathers, and there's a small little drop of water perched at the end of your beak. But guess what, Duck? YOUR GOD HAS DESERTED YOU. Ponder that, bitch."

HAHAHAH. This website is gold. Cute things and bitterness. Delish.

Rocco Gets Real

No, not THAT kind of real. This kind of real.

Celebrity chef and dancer Rocco DiSpirito has a new show on A&E called "Rocco Gets Real" where he helps poor saps who can't cook make a special meal by themselves. The premise of the show isn't new and even though I've only seen one episode I still prefer "Take Home Chef" on TLC because of this:and because of this:
Sorry, Rocco, your new face is verrry cute but it's got nothin' on Curtis' Australian accent.

"Rocco Gets Real" has great potential as like a "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" for kitchen-tards. "Straight chef for the kitchen-tard." Perfect.

Unlike Curtis, who picks up the hottest unsuspecting customers in "random" grocery stores, Rocco's people have applied and have some good back stories that will make the show that much richer. Sign me up, baby because I'm in need of Kitchen 101. In the first episode I saw, Rocco coaches a college girl who is moving into her first off-campus apartment and will have to survive w/o cafeteria food or her mom's cooking. I fought that battle once and lost, where was Rocco then? The episode was a little bland but the potential for real entertainment is there. For example, at one point the girl is left to make the meal for her friends alone and she puts three full cloves of garlic into the hummus instead of two, finely chopped cloves. Rocco comes back and takes one bite, spins around scanning the studio kitchen for a garbage can to throw up in, stops, then with a mouthful of hummus and a crooked smile, he looks at the girl and goes "Wow. That's a lot of garlic!" Swallow. POOR ROCCO! This isn't even a live show and he had to swallow that! It is now one of my favorite TVmoments ever (right up there with when Brandi puked up clams in Vegas on Rock of Love 1).

So, in sum, Rocco still hasn't topped Jamie Oliver or Curtis from Australia as my favorite TV chef, but I'm so excited about the little nuggets of gold that his show promises to drop in my living room every Saturday!

I found something cute before KB did!

KB is the queen of finding adorable on the internet. She always sends me polar bear updates (she prefers Knut while I think Flocke is irresistible) but today...I win.
I give you...
Cute things falling asleep:

and my favorite

All of these come from

Friday, December 19, 2008

photos of the year!!!!!

From here, here, and here.

batting an i

I really love the texture of this faux eyelash typography. View the whole alphabet here

I wish!

also from The Goldblum Standard

Jazz on ur face!

MEH has now informed me that Jeff Goldblum has a jazz group. YES.

This video is begot from The Goldblum Standard, an awesome fan site. It's clear to me that Jeff Goldblum is loved far and wide and Jeff Goldblum should remember that if he ever has a bad day. WE LOVE YOU!

Cap ou pas cap?

In following the cute theme today I'm posting my favorite little french movie with Oscar-winner Marion Cotillard and her former horseback riding, real-life boyfriend Guillaume Canet (swoon for real on both of them). It's perfect for a rainy day, sad day, happy day, lonely day and it's called "Jeux d'enfant" or "Love me if you dare." Links only, :0(, parts 1-10

tres jolie!

This commercial looks like it was shot inside a pink cream puff! I've been seeing it on tv and it is just SO cute! YAY FOR CUTE THINGS TODAY! It almost erases the pain of dead sharks.

"I want lots clothes and fuckloads of diamonds" me too Lilly!!! SISTERS!

OB-SESSED with the new Lilly Allen song. So cute and who doesn't want fuckloads of diamonds?!?!? That so many diamonds, you guys. The song sounds old though, like late 90s Chemical Brothers?

here's the video:

here's the link to the chemical brother's song it kind of reminds me of (I think I'm just being delusional though. I've posted "Let forever be" before)

Jeff Goldblum is made of win

In my effort to pass along any, ANY information I come across that remotely involves Jeff Goldblum (my MOST favorite actor next to Tim Curry) I give you "Drunk Jeff Goldblum":

via Videogum

"have they been in thinking jail?" I DIE!

There are more videos on the Videogum post. In all seriousness though, Jeff Goldblum is so awesome it hurts. If the greatest person alive existed it would be Jeff Goldblum with a good pinch of Steve Buscemi mixed with some Curry.

Who will save the sharks?

A: Anderson Cooper.
image via

More shark devastation

ACW notified me of this via my wall.

Who is going to save the sharks?


So according to a video on this MSN website a shark committ suicide at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas.
Shark jumps into resort pool
Shark jumps into resort pool

Allegedly, a 12 year-old female reef shark jumped from its tank and into a popular, kid-friendly water slide that shoots sunburned tourists underwater through the shark tank. See the breakdown here.
I have several problems with this incident. Problem #1: Why do people find this so funny? This is not funny. This is sick. That shark DIED. She probably had kids who are now in danger of committing suicide themselves (it's genetic in sharks, right?). #2: Why hasn't PETA attacked this Atlantis behemoth yet and thrown blood all over the children as they go down this slide? If you are going to attack celebutards for wearing fur then you have to show equal treatment to the regular men, women, and children who slide through that tube of death with a smile on their face.
This is just further proof that Atlantis Paradise Island is the worst. I'm sorry for that shark. If I had to go there I'd probably kill myself too. The all-inclusive resort thing where people pay lots of money to stay in an artificial paradise that is completely cut off from the country it's situated in is not my taste. Whats the point? Gross. Gross. Gross. Hey, I'm not going to tell people what they can and can't do. If going to a place because it feels like home without actually being home (some people just want to eat a big cheeseburger and fries while they roast on the beach) makes you happy, then you do that. But when that kind of lifestyle makes animals want to kill themselves then the people who feel the need to visit Atlantis need to do one of two things: stay in New Jersey, or demand that the miserable animals be put back into their habitat. The Atlantis shark tank is big, but its not the ocean. Also, I really hope that the Atlantis closed the slide and drained the pool of dead shark germs so that revelers don't get sick (I do not really hope that the Atlantis disinfected the pool).

The one comfort I can take from this is that maybe the shark had some fun on the slide before suffocating to death in a chlorine pool.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If she can do it, I can!


Is there an article in the Geneva Conention about being awesome?

This is the dome for the Human Rights room of the UN in Geneva. Awesome, right?

Doesn't it remind you of those star domes though that showed lasers or something and it was supposed to be the night sky? Sometimes they played Pink Floyd? I went to one once but puked at the beginning so i missed a lot of it. I've included this clip from "Freaks and Geeks" as a helpful reference!

I have a dreamsicle...

that one day I will live in this cottage...
Isn't it MAGICAL?! It's a 16th century house in Austria that was renovated using traditional methods (LOVE!) and it rents for 160 euro a night (STEAL!). I'm in love! There are more pictures and funny words here and the inside looks so cozy and Austrian! Srsly you will fall in love when you see the inside of this place. It even has a big screen tv and an outdoor, wooden, naturally-heated jacuzzi looking thing that fit right in with the 16th century charm (no, seriously)!

What's that you say? You wan't to see a poorly-shot video of the driveway and spectacular surroundings of this house? ASK AND IT SHALL BE YOURS.

Just in case you were wondering what was happening in the world when this little treasure of a house was being conceived:
Brazil was discovered.
Michelangelo starts sculpting teh David.
The Safavids start practicing Shia.
Nostradamus got borned.
Michelangelo starts AND finishes the Mona Lisa (phew).
Copernicus thinks up a heliocentric universe (duh).
Machiavelli pens The Prince.
Luther tacks up his 95 theses.
Rome is done sacked.
Henry VIII divorces the Catholic Church.
The Spanish AND English armadas.
and also like 800 other things. YAY HISTORY.

flight of the conchords

Season 2 Online Premiere - Flight of the Conchords (US Only) - watch more funny videos

"Five seconds from now will be awesome with a chance of the best day of my life"

Twizzler's is the taste from funnyordie.
Twizzler's Is The Taste - watch more funny videos

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Praise the Lawd

After 6 long months of waiting, MAMMA MIA comes out on DVD today.

Donate Now!

"The Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia is Liberia's oldest and most prestigious conservation organization, dedicated to education and conservation. All the money spent here goes directly to fund SCNL programs in Liberia."

They save the pygmy hippos!

Also, MEH designed everything on the site!!! So show your SAPO and MEH support by getting a shirt or mug.


This photo, from 1915, shows Bud Baker and Dick O'Brien in May in front of the White House. These two high schoolers rode 10,000 miles to see California. It took them five months.

From Shorpy's 100 year-old photo blog.

This find reminds me of another website I read about a guy who rode his moped up the West Coast in search of Big Foot. He didn't see Big Foot but the story is hilarious and the site has a great song about riding mopeds.

And while we are on the subject of cross-country travel I'll also link to a beautiful picticle (article of pictures, term coined by MM) of a guy who hitchhiked across the United States and back with relative ease ... that is until he hit New Orleans.

2008: slightly superior to all other years

This year will be one second longer.

add this to my wishlist

Best website of the day

Geeking out

"More powerful than TWO Cleopatra's" --Lauryn Hill (LOL)
Ok, I'm kind of a geek in that I really love when people try and digitally sculpt the faces of famous dead people (I'm obsessed with the face of Jesus since nobody actually knows what it looked like and yet...he's everywhere!). So I officially geeked out when I saw that Cleopatra's face had been carefully constructed in 3d.

I don't know what's fact and what's myth about Cleo but the article I got this from says that she was a total hottie (see pic), a polyglot, REALLY rich, and had influential booty calls (Caesar and Mark Antony).

Monday, December 15, 2008



Lil' Gordon Ramsay says "Hydrogenated Dog Shit"

i wheeze

the 26 second mark is THE BEST!

the Mystery for women

The sad thing is, this is exactly how I pick up men.

updated Christmas list

Family members, rich friends, boyfriends, and OMG SANTA!

All I want for Christmas is...

the rings on this page!

this emerald pea coat!

the purpley one!

these please!

this would make my life so much easier!

these ones are rather stripperesque but I can't resistand also this .

I read the book.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Nightlight. You know, it just beat the Larry Porrey books."

My Mom is a FOB. It's ok to laugh at it. I asked XB.

Don't judge a guy by his autobiography

I read Ben Franklin's autobiography last year and while I respect him for being a smart fattie (No, Anderson Cooper, we can't all be svelte like you) he was kind of douchey. Important and cool, but douchey (read the first two chapters...douchey, right? I was surprised!). He was a womanizer woman-womanizer, a cheapskate, and super mean to his brothers (even though I'm sure they deserved it, like most brothers/sisters do). That's why I think it's great that his birthplace is marked by a bust of our holy bespectacled one and a Sir Speedy (whateverthecrap that is).

He also had two slaves, according to my little sister's take-home history test which inspired this momentous Wikipedia find.

Dear Diary: Blogs I looked at today

In Soviet Russia, Art Contemplates You

The Victoria and Albert Museum (one of them, there are several) is showcasing an exhibit called "Cold War Modern." It's all about art, design, and architecture across the globe from the Cold War period. The website is fantastic and offers a Google Maps feature where you can see different highlights (see tapestry) of the exhibition.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas List

Family members, rich friends, boyfriends, and OMG SANTA!

All I want for Christmas is...

the rings on this page!

this emerald pea coat!

the purpley one!

in any color! be updated...very updated.

sick :0(

I sat on the couch all day and watched 'Inside the Actors Studio' with that charming little harry potter kid and decided to spend the evening watching my favorite thing on the internet to date:

Wizard People, Dear Reader

There's like 27 chapters btw.

Also, if you love awesome, please go here and pre-order your DVD.

Dear Diary: Blogs I looked at today

In no particular order

Also there's a rumor (and by rumor I mean Stite wrote on my facebook wall) that Brad Neely's next genius move is to "Dear Reader" Jurassic Park. HOLYFUCKENSHIYAT. Can anyone please confirm this?

Update: Summer Heights High

Another great thing about getting Australian sitcoms 2 years later is that it's all on youtube already!!!! Happy searching kids.

"You on your period or what miss?"

Summer Heights High is the best. I hope I get HBO by the time they start showing it. I guess it's another product of the writer's strike where all the Jack Donaghys of the country started stealing show ideas from other countries. It doesn't really matter how this show came to America, I'm glad it's here and giving me something to live for through this terrible affliction I've found myself in (sore throat).

Summer Heights High: Episode 1 Montage - watch more funny videos

Friday, December 12, 2008


How did I not know about this until now??

Yes, traders, you have feelings too. just. like us.

Synchronized Sadness

Hey remember when we graduated and all those assholes who wore suits to class and sat in the front and made jokes about the tiger economies got ibanking jobs at Lame-man Brothers and were like "i'm making metric shit tons of money and working 80 hour weeks and eating cocaine!!" At the time, I was totally jealous because I want to make my weight in money per hour (it's a lot), but now they don't have jobs OR souls (HIGH FIVE! RIGHT?). Well, thanks to RMW, I can now laugh in their faces thanks to sadguysontradingfloors.tumblr.whateveridontcareitslinked above.commmmmmm

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

"So I slapped her and told her she was a bad girl."

I don't care what the background of this laxative ad is, she IS a bad mommy.

*from Neatorama

The most bizarre thing I've seen all day

This woman knits handbags from Persian cat fur. I'm not opposed to the idea (when I was 11 I once thought it would be a great idea to make mittens out of my pony's sheared coat, but I was 11 and lets be honest, I was weird), what I am opposed to is the fact that the bags look like hairballs. Balls of fur that have been regurgitated from the inner lining of a cat's stomach as the result of licking itself as a means of getting rid of fleas is not something you want to carry around, put your prescriptions in, and show off to the world. The best part is near the end when proud Persian cat-hair purse owners talk about why they love their purses so much.

originally from fourfour

Monday, December 08, 2008

It's like Google saw my "image searches" and made a website out of them

Everything on this is internet gold. The buck stops here, friends. Also if you check out this particular posting I would like all future husbands and bridesmaids to take note: this is how my father will give me away. CHAV-TASTIC