Guilty pleasure, or just pleasure? Steppin' into the Twilight zone
While I was here for the holidays:

I was pretty ambivalent to the Twilight mania that hit in November mostly because I'd never even heard of the books. I noticed with delight that they'd cast Cedric Diggory but it wasn't enough to actually get me into the theaters to see what I'd heard was a terrible fluff bit of tween cinema (or those with OJD - Obsessive Jonas [brothers] Disorder -- thanks for that one, NYTIMES, but no thanks). So when my mom gave me the books I wasn't expecting too much except an escape.
I finished the first book like 18 hours after opening the cover. After calling the local Barnes and Noble and reserving the next three books in the series, I brunched, then ran out to buy them. The girl in line behind me (much older I might add) was also buying them. We smiled, exchanged courtesies, saw the identical books we were holding and immidiately fell to chattering wildly like the 12 year-olds we were. It was Edward Cullen this, Bella Swan that and blah blah blah.
I was fantasizing about Edward Cullen the way I'd drawn hearts around Mrs. DiCaprio when I was a Titanic-obsessed sixth grader. Fantasize yes, but not in a sexual way. The book is thankfully void of anything more dangerous than some kissing (really, who wants to think about high schooler sex? Isn't that why we have Gossip Girl).
So yes, I indulged my inner Hannah Montana (more on that later) and fell really, really hard for the Twilight books.
I also saw the movie. How hot is the Jacob kid? And of course, Edward? So hot.
For what I promise will be my one and only Twilight post I've included a Vanity Fair weborgy of cast pics, video, and Q and As, and a link (via AGH) to Stephanie Meyer's leaked copy of Midnight Sun, which is the story told from Edward's point of view.
Also, I might add that Twilight was a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the other book I brought along:

I started reading The War Within in mid-September and still haven't made it past the 100 page mark because I usually end my reading sessions abruptly by throwing the book at a wall. Cheney makes the bad vampire in Twilight look like the puppy from Marley and Me.

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