Rocco Gets Real
No, not THAT kind of real. This kind of real.Celebrity chef and dancer Rocco DiSpirito has a new show on A&E called "Rocco Gets Real" where he helps poor saps who can't cook make a special meal by themselves. The premise of the show isn't new and even though I've only seen one episode I still prefer "Take Home Chef" on TLC because of this:

Sorry, Rocco, your new face is verrry cute but it's got nothin' on Curtis' Australian accent.
"Rocco Gets Real" has great potential as like a "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" for kitchen-tards. "Straight chef for the kitchen-tard." Perfect.
Unlike Curtis, who picks up the hottest unsuspecting customers in "random" grocery stores, Rocco's people have applied and have some good back stories that will make the show that much richer. Sign me up, baby because I'm in need of Kitchen 101. In the first episode I saw, Rocco coaches a college girl who is moving into her first off-campus apartment and will have to survive w/o cafeteria food or her mom's cooking. I fought that battle once and lost, where was Rocco then? The episode was a little bland but the potential for real entertainment is there. For example, at one point the girl is left to make the meal for her friends alone and she puts three full cloves of garlic into the hummus instead of two, finely chopped cloves. Rocco comes back and takes one bite, spins around scanning the studio kitchen for a garbage can to throw up in, stops, then with a mouthful of hummus and a crooked smile, he looks at the girl and goes "Wow. That's a lot of garlic!" Swallow. POOR ROCCO! This isn't even a live show and he had to swallow that! It is now one of my favorite TVmoments ever (right up there with when Brandi puked up clams in Vegas on Rock of Love 1).
So, in sum, Rocco still hasn't topped Jamie Oliver or Curtis from Australia as my favorite TV chef, but I'm so excited about the little nuggets of gold that his show promises to drop in my living room every Saturday!
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