Why I love ELKS and the New York Times.
Blah Blah Blahg
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why I love ELKS and the New York Times.
email responses to the picture I posted below
KAB: friendz4evaSDC: OMG I HAZ A HAPPY!
ACW: that picture makes my soul cry because i dont think im capable of that level of love.
I <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 367px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgh7f7z32Jkz-yFA8Xy59fNK12Dn4wQCvY0oMVsYc1Lb00OHDG9IOl6DG12-JwKWh7sbfDE1SQoC1f4s0cz7Eg3rI2Dv2hrb85hnvUuC-pMSS0-_D_QJTQe855rS2ZSHwIKJYeA-A/s400/puppies.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5307807752321925746" border="0">
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The Joys of Womanhood
Recently I started thinking about mastectomies. I heard that some women who are at risk for breast cancer get them as preventative measures to reduce the risk. Then I read about this documentary (In the Family) about a 31 year-old woman who was at risk for ovarian and breast cancer and is faced with making the decision of not just a mastectomy but also a hysterectomy. At 31 she has to decide whether or not she wants to risk her life to have kids or to be safe and find other options for a family. Today I came across the following article on Jezebel about how doctors are debating what to take out when performing a hysterectomy (the cervix!??! eeeeek!) and I had a minor breakdown. I know my hysterectomy is coming but I didnt' know what to expect except pain "worse than childbirth" as my mom says. But now, with all of this and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with my womanhood.The trailer for "In the Family" is here
ABDC makes me cry
The judges reactions to The Beat Freaks semifinal performance brought the damn tears to my eyes."I used to be underground but now I'm sort of overground"
Died Young, Stayed Pretty you guys. Concert poster documentary. Looks hilaaaaaarious.my new obsession

Last night I was shown this interview about an eccentric Maryland horse trainer who mentioned the Great Santa Fe Trail Endurance Horse Race. It's a 500 mile horse race from New Mexico to Kansas. Apparently this sort of thing gets pretty intense and the creme de la creme is the President's Cup in the UAE. This one in Namibia looks pretty cool too though. So, this is something I would really like to do. I've already talked one person into doing it with me and I know there are friends out there who would do it too. I'm guessing there is training in Maryland because the interview says that the guy does it but there looks like a pretty good 5-day training session in the Moab. How bout it y'all? Les doodis! Oh and in case you weren't sold yet, here's one of the lodging sites for the Namibia one.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
say it with diamonndddsss

laserglamour is the only thing that has been advertised at me on facebook that i felt compelled enough to investigate. ACW wants one that says "Hairy Balls," so take notes, ACW's boyfriend.
I live for this
Videogum's weekly write-up of "The Real Housewives of New York.""Back to the Cuntess. She and her husband, the Count, are being honored by the American Cancer Society. This is good news and bad. It's good news because The Cuntess loves attention, but it's bad news because her slave is in the Philippines visiting her family and the Cuntess has to order the pizza for the children herself. She actually tells the pizza person to write "Countess" on the delivery slip. I hope the way the American Cancer Society honors people is by shooting them."
the womanizer promise
I promised myself to feature every possible cover I could find of the Britney Spears "Womanizer" song on this blog. So here is Lily Allen and Ellen DeGeneres performing a better version of a really terrible song.One Cheezeball at a time
One time I got one of those big cheezeball buckets from the Depot and I ate a whole bunch of them instead of getting dinner. Then I got drunker than I'd planned to and puked and my puke was orange and it was so gross I couldn't eat cheezeballs for 3 years. Neither could my roommate.Sorry roommate, you probably wont appreciate this video either.
from videogum.
Places I want to eatttttttttttttt
So I've been deprived of delicious foodstuffs lately and I would very much like to eat at the following restaurants:The Abbey Burger Bistro

Staying Safe While You Travel
My family travels a lot. Since June of last year they have been to Mexico, Poland, Denmark, England, France, Mexico, Australia, Honduras, and Germany. By June of this month they will be going to Brazil and Italy. Thankfully we've never gotten into too much trouble while traveling but it can never hurt to be too safe. After the attacks in Mumbai, Conde Nast Traveler published an article about being smart when you stay in a hotel and what to do when your embassy can't do anything. I thought I'd publish some of their helpful tips here.Hotel Security
(These are only a few tips from a longer list which is linked above)
- Avoid rooms facing busy streets or with ground-level windows. Sliding doors that front pools or beach areas should also be avoided. If rooms are directly over the lobby, stay on the fourth floor or higher).
- Reserve a room located between the third and seventh floors—away from prowlers who can gain access from the street and within reach of most fire-department ladders.
- Women traveling alone should avoid staying in rooms by stairwells and elevators. In off-hours, they should not hesitate to request that a hotel employee escort them to their room.
- Don't stay next to government offices, embassies, landmarks, or religious centers, especially in destinations where there's been recent unrest or that have been the subject of a U.S. State Department travel warning or alert.
- Only stay at hotels with electronic key-card access. In high-crime cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City, make sure the property's elevators also require key cards.
At Check-In
- Did the hotel receptionist announce your room number? If so, experts say you should request another room. Properly trained employees will show you your room number—and never broadcast it.
- Request a map of the hotel and your floor. Have the bellboy show you to your room and point out all elevators and emergency exits and evacuation routes. Then, on your own, count the number of doors between your room and the exits, in case you need to escape in smoke or darkness.
During Your Stay
- Don't indicate that you're a solo traveler or are not in your room. Instead of hanging the please make up this room card on the door, call housekeeping to request maid service. Also avoid leaving a room-service breakfast-order card on the doorknob that is clearly for just one person. Instead, phone room service before going to bed.
- Use valet parking, especially if the hotel's garage is dimly lit or the destination has a high crime rate.
- Always ask the concierge about the safety of any area you're setting out to see. Neighborhoods can change and new threats can emerge since the last time you visited or since the guidebook you're using was printed.
In an Emergency
iJet, a risk-management firm, had 40 clients in Mumbai during the attacks, 11 in the two hotels under siege. iJet representatives talked these travelers through the same instructions they use in the event of a hurricane, a tornado, a biological or chemical attack, or, as was the case in Mumbai, being trapped in a building with armed assailants. Here are key points to follow:
- Avoid windows: Many were killed after the initial Islamabad Marriott blast because they rushed to see what happened.
- Double-lock your door and barricade it with heavy furniture.
- Drag the mattress to the center of the room and hunker down under it—the mattress will provide a buffer in case of gunfire.
- If there is smoke, stuff wet towels under the door.
- Don't broadcast your whereabouts. The temptation, of course, will be to call loved ones on your cell phone, but chatter can alert attackers to your presence. While trapped in the basement of the Taj in Mumbai, Judy Hevrdejs, the dining editor of the Chicago Tribune, listened in horror as people screamed into their cell phones to family abroad, "We're in the basement!"
They suggest registering your trip with countries like Australia and Canada who offer better services to their citizens in danger abroad (you can at least get information and text messages that can help). They also suggest leaving house and car keys with a trusted friend at home so that they can let you into your hours or car if you happen to lose those things while traveling.
Having the right technology and knowing who to call is equally important as seen in this tech guide.
If you loved Miley's dress at the Oscars
Then you will really love the original Dior that it was ripped from:
This 1949 piece can be seen with a few others here.
Oh and just for reference, here is what Miley wore:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Update on the trapped dolphins
THEY WERE RESCUED BY TEENAGERS! YES!http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=1307832
You lost me at garden hose
Imagine me saying "what the fuck" in slow motion and you have my reaction to this car:Things I would like to eat today

Spaghetti with pancetta and peas
Nick Guterwitch stopped doing the Perry Bible Fellowship last year. The world cried. This one still slays me:
and of course this one:

Monday, February 23, 2009

whyyyy did you text me about sofi's crepes??? I've been thinking about a Godfather or a Kevin Bacon non-stop, all day. TEARS.
Team Kay Ryan
Kay Ryan is so funny. Big, lesbian crush. But now I have a big lesbian crush on Patton Oswalt too.Thanks Videogum
Patton Oswalt for Poet Laureate - watch more funny videos
Best Dressed

Jack Donaghy: Good God, Lemon, it's after 6. What am I, a farmer?
being a famous looks like fun.
Roxanne Lowe Portraits (I'm not going to post the Amanda Lepore one though I REALLY WANT TO).

I reserve all rights to my roommie's art.
9:45 AM me: i think im going to start telling people that i had a relative on the titanic
9:46 AM Sandy: ...why?
me: cuz that would be an awesome story
if they survived
and it would give me an excuse to tell this song
Sandy: it would be
me: *sing
Sandy: oh I'm in class right now
9:47 AM me: sorry
im not sorry
that's an awesome song.
ur class would like it
Sandy: hahahaha
my computer is on mute
but I will listen to it later :)
9:48 AM me: i sing it better
Sandy: ooh
record yourself!
haha I did that the other day
just for funsies
me: hhahahahahahahah
9:58 AM me: i want to hear that recording
and post it
Sandy: oh hahaha
do you really want to hear it
me: yes
Sandy: haha
10:00 AM they're not that great
I'll just send you one
me: what did you record?
Sandy: song by michelle branch
me: awwwww
Sandy: hehehe
I messed up on the guitar like in the middle
me: oh wait
Sandy: it is
wait what?!
me: that's you?
Sandy: you can't recognize my voice?
me: no
Sandy: booo
me: it doesn't sound like you
Sandy: oh really
oh well
10:06 AM me: i thought it was her
Sandy: hahahahaha
you're silly
im blown away
when u become famous can i have your groupies
Sandy: hahahaha
10:07 AM you're ridiculous
me: whoa
seriously tho
i can haz them?
Sandy: haha
you can haz
me: is this really you singing?
Sandy: yes?
me: u didnt just send me the michelle branch version?
Sandy: maybe the mic on my laptop is magical
me: im not sure i believe you
Sandy: omg
why would I lie to you!
make a video
me: but how did i live with u for four years
me: and not know that you were this amazing
Matt: that's nice
me: that's sandy
Matt: that's sandy singing
me: and playing guitar
Matt: wow
she's great
Matt: that's really her?
me: that's sandy
Matt: that's sandy singing
me: and playing guitar
Matt: wow
she's great
Matt: that's really her?
Sandy: mm I got a little better
5 |
me: so i can or cannot put it on my blog?
and be your manager?
i cant wait to play it for my mom
Sandy: hahaha
you're so silly
me: so i can or cannot put it on my blog?
and be your manager?
and agent
and be your manager?
and agent
Sandy: yeah post!
then I can be like I'M ON A BLOG!
Sandy: or
Sandy: bwahaha
do you want me to make a video
me: ok
i was just going to do that
make u a video
with ur song
Sandy: awww
me: so i could put it on utube
but it was just going to be puppies and snowballs and stuf
you're the best
Sandy: haha
I promise I'll record a video for you tonight at home
ooh maybe i'll do rhett miller for yoU :)
MJ, I like your style.

I'm a little sad that Jacko has to sell all of his stuff. He's not even dead yet. And look how great this stuff is! I feel really bad for him. I hope Warren Buffett buys it all and then gives it back to him. I also can't help but feel that some of the pieces were under priced.
View catalogue here.
All your awards are belong to Tilda Swinton

From the Videogum Live Blog of the Oscars
G: It's reassuring to know that even with the economy collapsing and the world seeming in total disarray, that Tilda Swinton doesn't feel the need to not dress like a lesbian alien from planet "Medicine Please?
I LOVE Tilda and everything she wears or doesn't wear. Why do people hate?
why was SHE there?


I love Amanda Seyfried. I loved her in Mean Girls, I love her in Big Love, and I own two copies (two) of Mamma Mia (one is special edition for real). I did not love her dress last night but her inclusion in the musical number with Dominic Cooper was THE MOMENT OF THE NIGHT!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Google Maps finds Atlantis...or not.

Some dude who was trolling around Google Earth thought he found Atlantis when he spotted an underwater grid (the size of Wales) off the coast of Africa. Google says "sike."