My dad likes to set squirrel traps in our front yard (much to the dismay of his family and the neighborhood association) and he would LOVE THIS cuz he hates squirrels so much.
I made rainbow cupcakes! Woot. There was a recipe on this thing yesterday that called for Sprite, but i was like not in an experimental mood so I stuck with the old white cake mix, veg oil, water, and eggs spiel. Here is the pictures: The pouring process. You are supposed to make each layer a little smaller but I was trying to do it quickly so they all sort of came out the same size so we shall see. I used blue, pink, and purple food coloring for the first couple of rows and yellow/green and purple and pink for the last few. I used NEON food coloring for these that's why the colors are so bright. pre-oven In the oven. I put too much in the last rows and they colors sort of ran together and made a tie-dye pattern. This is what they looked like after the oven. A little ugly but u can see how bright they are from the inside of the one that broke off.
My faaaaaaavvvvvorite band from Baltimore (via Brooklyn, via Australia), The Death Set, are on Threadless with an interview. This band is amazing and if they come anywhere near you, go see them.
This is for all my friends who had to listen to Fuzzy Logic, blasting on repeat, in my car in high school. Super Furry Animals are coming out with a new album and I hope they have more songs about hamsters. Stereogum
This is not a tech blog. I'm not a professional at anything except watching It's Me or the Dog but I recently acquired this phone and the reviews I found online were sparse and incomplete so this is for all you peeps who are thinking about or wanting to get the AT&T Quickfire cell phone.
The phone is thick but not unsexy. the QWERTY keyboard is spectacular since my fingers are too clumsy for other touch screen keyboards. However, this phone is really more like a toy than a real person's phone. The battery only lasts about 12 hours and I often find myself charging it twice a day. The camera is fuzzy and pretty low quality but it does take video which is nice. The touch-screen is incredibly responsive and easy to use. The internet browser only really works when you use the keyboard and is still very much a mobile browser. You cannot assign pictures to people in your address book and you can only assign ringtones to certain people if you put them in certain groups (which is really annoying). It boasts a ton of music features but I never use them because they are slow and confusing. The memory sucks. The GPS thingy is ok if you have 30 minutes to wait to get directions. All in all it is merely a cell phone with a touch screen, nothing more. It's not particularly smart or sexy so survey says: if you want a touch screen and already have AT&T, get the Iphone.
After the sad end of the original Tastespotting site (due to some shady legal hoodads) a new, fan-created Tastespotting has been started. Glory Hallelujah! Do not look at this site if you are hungry at all or it will make you want to stab yourself in the stomach. This one seems to have more desserts than the first one but the photos and recipes are all MOUTHWATERING.
It has long been a dream of mine that someday I will be able to outfit an entire house in everything from the SkyMall magazine. Everything from the bracelet putter-onner to the bug vacuum to the old-timey popcorn machine will be in this house. I recently revealed said dream to XBY who also shares my fascination with SkyMall...excerpt here: XBY: it should be in the skymall catalogue
XBY: ^my favorite part of traveling
me: oh i have this dream
that one day when im older
i will furnish an entire house
using only what they offer in skymall
people will come over in the winter
it'll be all chilly
"would you like a blanket ... with sleeves?"
"yes please!"
or how 'bout an authentic lord of the rings paperweight?
XBY: or these carpeted dog stairs?
me: haha
XBY: oh boy i can't wait
you gotta do it through the catalogue, not the website
Maybe this is only really entertaining to me but I found this website not long after this conversation and it was like someone was reading our thoughts: The Best and Worst of SkyMall, a gift giving guide.
Peaches Geldof is my favorite socialite. Her dad, Bob, is so cool for naming his kids things like Fifi Trixibelle and Tiger Lilly that I'm sure they would both totally embrace Sparkleberry Dreamcloud and Rainbow Skyes (my future children). I think Peaches and I would be really good at being besties. She could dye the ends of my hair blue and I could eat her food for her so she stays skinny.
When Peaches moved to New York, got married, and started working at Nylon I flipped out and read her column religiously. And by religiously I mean I read the first paragraph. CG, who knows her husband kind of, and I loved it too much to keep reading. Here it is: "The sun glows a burned orange as it sinks behind a skyscraper, a car horn screeches irritably, the wind whistles through the acres of willows in Central Park: New York, the most offbeat and eccentric city in America, is my new home. I love it here. I live with my husband, Max, in Williamsburg, home of the plaid shirt and vintage Mecca Beacon’s Closet."
Amazing, right? It gets better. I finally finished the whole column and have since read it over five or six times. It talks about her American experiences and what she loves about New York and spending money, you know, regular old column stuff. But here's my favorite part:
"I traveled across America in a cramped, packed U-Haul and experienced parts of the U.S. not many people see unless they go off the beaten path."
Leave it to the British to tell Americans what they haven't seen of their own country. Truth, this is a big country and lots of people have never rented a UHaul, but I can almost bet that I've seen more of America than her by planting my ass right on the beaten path. But its ok though, because I spent a week in London once and I've seen more of England than most British people. Have you guys heard of Buckingham Palace?
Anyway, I still love Peaches and always read her column and then sit for a few hours in my sweatpants, dreaming about what it would be like to be Peaches' best friend. It would probably be like scene from Zoolander where they have the gasoline fight except without all the dying. Zoolander is still relevant, right?
So, anyway, read Peaches' musings here: Can You Seduce Peaches? (oh and in case anyone loves reading comments as much as I do, the best comment under the linked article is "I do not want to seduce Peaches. I don't want herpes.")
My mom saw this and got really quiet and then was like "don't even think about it." It's really not fair tho b/c the only person who loves cheeseburgers more than me is my mom.
IS THIS NOT THE BEST THING EVER?! VS gave me a most spectacular shout out today on her Tumblr and for that I am sublimely happy. I also hope that everyone goes and looks at her blog cuz it makes me lulz so so SO hard every day. Espcially this VS for you...Rainbow Cake!
Yay! I finally have a phone that doesn't light up with sparkles (sadly), has a camera, a touch screen and a QWERTY keyboard. It's not the coveted iphone, but it's the poor girl's version and it has XM radio (on a phone?!?) so i'm pretty happy.
Phew, you guys! Apparently indecent exposure is no fucking laughing matter as Atlanta garage punks found out at a show in India recently. The group was forced to flee the country with authorities on their heels. Their harrowing, and awesome, story is posted on their myspace.
I saw this when I was in high school and was convinced that i would find this dress somewhere and it would be my formal dress. I did not find this dress, but I still want it more than almost any other dress I've ever seen.
Here's what I want to see on TV. I want a little "Wife Swap" meets "Meet the Duggars," and "Jon and Kate Plus 8." I'd love to see the ever organized Kate try and tackle the chaos of 18 children of different ages and I'd love to see Jon's reaction to Mrs. Dugger's more hands-off approach to play time. Television gold, people. Get on this.
I love purple, nbd. In fashion purple comes around every odd season or so and usually it works but other times it really doesn't. Sometimes When bored I google things like "purple dress" or "lavender gown" and this is what I get.
i think i was the only person who loved this
this vera is not so flattering
omg poneh! I'll take all of these dresses, plz kthxbai
Galliano just knows love this so much
even though the mermaid-style dress is a bit tired, i love this dress.
Disclaimer: The Blah Blah Blahg does not own any of the images or videos posted here (unless otherwise noted).They are all collected from the wonderful world of the interweb for your viewing pleasure and for nothing else.