I made rainbow cupcakes! Woot. There was a recipe on this thing yesterday that called for Sprite, but i was like not in an experimental mood so I stuck with the old white cake mix, veg oil, water, and eggs spiel. Here is the pictures:

The pouring process. You are supposed to make each layer a little smaller but I was trying to do it quickly so they all sort of came out the same size so we shall see. I used blue, pink, and purple food coloring for the first couple of rows and yellow/green and purple and pink for the last few. I used NEON food coloring for these that's why the colors are so bright.


In the oven. I put too much in the last rows and they colors sort of ran together and made a tie-dye pattern.

This is what they looked like after the oven. A little ugly but u can see how bright they are from the inside of the one that broke off.

iced and ready for consumption.

action shot of sister consuming cupcake.
final product...a bit too much blue
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