The Sky Mall House

It has long been a dream of mine that someday I will be able to outfit an entire house in everything from the SkyMall magazine. Everything from the bracelet putter-onner to the bug vacuum to the old-timey popcorn machine will be in this house. I recently revealed said dream to XBY who also shares my fascination with SkyMall...excerpt here:
XBY: it should be in the sky mall catalogue
XBY: ^my favorite part of traveling
me: oh i have this dream
that one day when im older
i will furnish an entire house
using only what they offer in skymall
people will come over in the winter
it'll be all chilly
"would you like a blanket ... with sleeves?"
"yes please!"
or how 'bout an authentic lord of the rings paperweight?
XBY: or these carpeted dog stairs?
me: haha
XBY: oh boy i can't wait
you gotta do it through the catalogue, not the website
me: can i get you a this...
XBY: the website is way too dignified
XBY: haha
the sidebar: Slanket!
XBY: that's what they're called ... of course ... slankets
me: i would wear a slanket all day
if ihad one
also, are you hungry
would you like some
side-only brownies
XBY: haha i was just gonna bring that up
XBY: i like the crunchy brown bites DAMMIT and i won't eat anything else
XBY: you know that's like
if you liked dog's faces
they'd give you a face-only dog
that's kind of the concept
me: skymall magazine is the best
XBY: i love that you share my love of skymall
me: its the first thing i do when i sit down on the plane
and i earmark pages that i might want to remember
u know
in case i need a singing elvis head
XBY: i saw that recently!
the thing is, there's someone out there who's totally getting it for someone for xmas
me: haha
i wonder if i could get some kind of award
or publishing deal
from my skymall house
XBY: you could start a blog about this venture
me: oh look!
skymall will also help you KILL YOURSELF
everything u ever needed
Maybe this is only really entertaining to me but I found this website not long after this conversation and it was like someone was reading our thoughts:
The Best and Worst of SkyMall, a gift giving guide.
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