Here is a full body shot of the car. It's so original Tron, you guys. Suck it. *editors note: this is not the same color as mine. Mine is a creamy eggshell color. Also please note the absence of a right-hand side rear-view mirror. In the 80s people thought that kind of thing wasn't necessary.
In this weird paparazzi video of Peaches and a friend, "Pinky" Makeup, they get into a 1980 Honda Civic. This is the exact make, model, and color of the car my dad bought my mom as an engagement gift three years before I was born. The car, which forever smells of curdled milk especially so on hot Texas days, still sits in our garage. It remains there today, stationary, the purr of its engine quieted by years, possibly a decade, of inactivity. We store our fake christmas tree in the trunk and old files/lawnmower parts on top of it. The car is the shit and Peaches Geldof gets into the exact same one at the end of this video. My heart stopped when I saw it.PEACHES ARE WE BEST FRIENDS NOW? PINK FONT!
I hope that when the world looks back on fashion of the late 2000's that these rainbow fringe leggings are bellbottoms, the acid wash, the ripped knees -- the pants -- of our time. I want to hear people say "Oh everyone had a pair, your grandmother wore fringe leggings..." and "I still fit into my old pair."
Disclaimer: The Blah Blah Blahg does not own any of the images or videos posted here (unless otherwise noted).They are all collected from the wonderful world of the interweb for your viewing pleasure and for nothing else.