Countess Luann De Lesseps of "Real Housewives of New York" fame is splitting from her Count husband according to the New York Post.
I'm worried about her, you guys. She is my favorite person in the whole world! Is she going to have to get a job? I hope her book deal 'Class with the Countess" isn't going to fall through! Can she still be a countess if she isn't married to one?
Why is it so exciting to find out that someone is a twin?
I have no idea but I was astounded by some of these famous people who have twin brothers and sisters (namely Gisele Bundchen and Scarlet Johansson). Link from V for Velociraptor!
Neatorama had a post about the Cadbury "Here today, goo tomorrow" contest where people could send creative videos of smashing Cadbury Creme Eggs. This is the best of them all though:
Because on his Greece Episode he had a bbq on this beach (or one like it). And then he said "I came to Greece with low expectations..." and I lost all respect for him. I haven't watched his show since the episode on this beach.
Is it bad that I love LW almost as much as I love JP? Smashley, why aren't you online to play LW would you rather with me? Or how 'bout "Marry/boff/kill" with Dr. Malcom, Vince Vaughn's character, or the Daddy Warbux InGen tracker dude?
This totally reminds me of the time that AWM fell asleep on my couch and my dog farted near her face and she woke up, scrunched up her nose and goes "was that me?"
The Alamo Drafthouse (SDC...Step Brothers!) hosted the prelims for the international air guitar championships (see the spectacular rockumentary Air Guitar Nation.
Clark Little's wave photos have been all over the netz but I finally went to the site and looked through all of them. I was mesmerized, mouth agape and drooling. See it at Clark Little Photography.
I once met a woman in New Mexico -- on the strangest van ride ever that included looking at pictures of someone's alien abductions and also almost dying -- who lived in an Earthship. I didn't know what it was at the time but thanks to a post at Bebe Le Strange I not only know what one looks like but also that there is a documentary about them. A must see.
link link shamfuckthewhat? link link i call this, clinical cozy. Link that's a lame fortune. link link "We're Hey that's my bike!" lol oloololol. link if only it were edible. . . link Churchill's shed. link Where is this place? I need reservations. link link do peonies ever look undamaged? awesome cookies. Link link more photos from an interview with iggy pop at Toad's Place in New Haven here link link I would like to know how to make these. link link link link link
Disclaimer: The Blah Blah Blahg does not own any of the images or videos posted here (unless otherwise noted).They are all collected from the wonderful world of the interweb for your viewing pleasure and for nothing else.