Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Live Blogging ProRun Season Five: All the things I would say during the show if I weren't watching it alone

Ok, first commercial break and i'm LOVING the little preppy boy straight off the Vineyard. Oh and Tanny-fabulous, you'd be in my top 8 if we were Myspace friends.


Suede used the word wackadoodle which is the exact word I would use to describe him.

also, i know who the new villain is. It's the girl that didn't brush her teeth.

When I saw Daniel Feld I automatically thought they'd brought Daniel Franco back for another season.

Jerell Scott = adorable.

Update: the toothy villain is named Leanne. I think. Why do all these bitches look the same to me?


hahah coffee filter boobs.

Stella, I'm sorry, but you lost me at the trash bags.

"I see a whole lotta table cloth" -- Tim Gunn

Commercial break 2 -- Allstate has the most convincing commercials of all the insurance companies. I will see Swing Vote just for Kevin Costner. commercial break over.

I LOVE that Jerry Tam thought he could just do a raincoat. Did you not see the Season 1 dude during the t-shirt challenge who made a tube dress? Underachievers have no place on PRORUN.

Blayne's look of disbelief at rocker-chic's trashbag fiasco is priceless. Myspace, dude, myspace.

I can't wait to see what M.KORS has to say about the macaroni dress.

"This is the first runway show and it makes you want to vomit all over the place" -- rocker chic. At this point, I'd take mass vomiting. Anything to spice up this bland premier. I mean, reusing challenges...really? I mean especially one as cliched as the grocery store challenge. I mean, ProRun Canada and ProRun Britain has used the challenge where the designers pick clothes from other people's wardrobes. It's always a classic!

Heidi needs to rethink the length of that skirt.

Prep boy hasn't gotten much air time. I suspect this is because he's not getting cut. As of now I think trash baggy is getting cut. or Jerry. I'm over him.


Omg I just saw nipple in the crocheted top.

Ok, now i'm thinking Suede might be going.

Oh god, the hairy italian one. ew. That dress is hideous.

Is Blayne's model wearing a diaper?

Macaroni dress moved on! and so did Suede?! double ewe tee eff!

LOL! A HANDYWIPE GONE WRONG ON A NIGHT ON THE TOWN! hahahahaha. Oh Jerry, I hope you're done here.

Girlicious? That sounds like a Fergie song.

Jerry's out. No big woop.