dear diary: theme of today's internet activity is "cottages"

After visiting my grandfather (on my dad's side) recently, I realized how much of a horrible pack rat he is. Not only does he refuse to throw out anything (his broken cameras, toasters, tv sets, newspapers) but he goes to dumps and thrift stores to buy ANYTHING. On his dresser he had a broken magnetized toy, women's earrings (sale price: $2.50 and my grandmother does not have pierced ears), a cd cleaner, and a strange duck statuette made of wood chips. In an effort to curb whatever genetic packrattery that I may inherit I've decided that I have to live in a cottage. I have to inhabit a place with only enough room for the essentials and NOTHING ELSE. It's in my blood to store and save everything unecessary but, like type 2 diabetes and skin cancer, I'm taking preventative measures.
So, I give you...COTTAGES (with help from MEH): is technically a shed blog but with some great shottage options. has some pre-fab cottages that are a little smaller than what I'm looking for but still not a terribly bad idea

Cottage Living is my new Bible
Fema-chic: the Katrina Cottage

Quirky cottages and gardens:

A collection of beach-shack photos!
The Bright Built Barn looks well-lit and cozy (and has a light skirt!!! what?)

The tumbleweed tiny house company will probably produce my new home. Hopefully I'll be able to afford a "small" house but I'll make do with a "tiny" order too.
These are a little too Ikea for my taste (which reminds me of that guy who tried to live in Ikea for a week! I need to revisit that).
kitHaus is a little pricey for what it is, but a good option.
This little woodhouse indulges the inner hobbit but looks a little...messy.

The only downside to living in a cottage like this one from Below the Clouds is that you definitely can't entertain too many people at one time (read here: party).

I'm not above living in a converted shipping container.

These low-impact woodland homes are adoooorable. There were too many pictures to choose just one. So. Cute!
The outside of this one is interesting but I do not love the pelt wallpaper.

This silo house is a little too big for the "cottage" category but it was an interesting idea and would be an awesome ranch home in Texas.
There is only one cottage-sized house in this group but I think having your own island is the same idea as having a small house (you know, limits).

Ok, studio Mumbai is not a cottage. It's a house. A beautiful, beautiful house.
A TeePee would help me get in touch with my roots, right? Especially one with wifi and solar-powered dvd players?

This one is probably one of my favorites:

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