Did anyone see how hot Daniel V looked in his Saturn promo spot. Note to self: stake out Chelsea Piers, devote life to living in park stalking Daniel V.
I really miss everyone. I miss Nick's beautiful face and semi-obsession with his "heiress vacationing in Capri" story. I miss Daniel's quiet innocence and huggable charm. I miss Santino's ability to make me laugh so hard that I probably shortened my life by a year or two. I miss Alison. I just miss her.
And take notes, Jeffrey Sibilia...Santino had it rough too, he painted himself into the rebel corner, he hurt a lot of feelings, but he produced breathtaking clothing and even won a few challenges and thus won over our hearts. Prove me wrong Jeff. I want to like you, I do. But you're not making a very strong argument for yourself.
two project runway posts in one day. god i need a life.
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