Wild Hearts Can't be Broken ... but eyeballs can

I watched the much loved movie Wild Hearts Can't be Broken last night. If you weren't ever an 8 year-old girl you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. The movie is based loosely on the story of Sonora Webster, a young girl from Waycross, GA who made a name for herself diving horses. Horse diving, according to the movie, was safe and fun for horses but rather dangerous for the women who dove them. According to PETA this was not that case and they shut. it. down. I saw this movie probably 15 times when I was younger for two main reasons: 1. horsies! 2. Jake Ryan (from 16 Candles) plays the love interest.
The movie sparked an interest in the actual sport of Horse Diving. That interest, unfortunately, only went so far as youtubing and wikipedia-ing some stuff. It is bizarre to me that this is entertaining to anyone. I watched Man on Wire this weekend as well and feel the same way about that. I get no enjoyment whatsoever from watching someone walk a tight rope between the WTC, nor do I enjoy seeing women ride horses off of a 40 foot ramp. It just makes me wince and wish that it would end quickly. So here is the very little information that I found about horse diving (which ended in the 70s with most of the horses going to slaughter and only two of them surviving to be put out to paddock). The videos are mostly of a pre-seedy and decrepit Atlantic City Steel Pier where most of the horse diving took place.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E6ljDp0dh4 (starting at 1:10)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3S4oXlPfl0 (starting at 00:52)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Ikr5Z1RY4 (starting at 2:12)
OMG, I have such vivid memories of watching this movie as a kid -- Wasn't it show on the Disney channel or something? -- and being totally intrigued by it, and sort of having all these fantasies of being a blind horse-diving athlete. I need to rewatch this and see if it's as ridiculo-tragic as I remember it being.
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