My next pet
I spend a ton of time thinking about what pet I want when I'm a real adult and have the time, money and space to have a real pet. So here are the top choices.Pug:
Pros of Pug Life:
- hilarious
- incredibly loving
- small, portable
- happy
- has a strong community of pug lovers
- high maintenance, must clean out face wrinkles
- clean out anal glands
- loud snoring
- overheating
Flat-Coated Retriever

see how cute the flat-coat puppies are:
Pros of Flat-Coats:
- handsome
- intelligent
- quiet
- rare
- forms strong bonds with family
Cons of Flat-Coats
- Aloof with strangers
- require intense obedience training and constant mental stimulation
- require lots of space
- has a propensity to get cancer (more so than most other dogs)
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Swissie Pros:
- Big (150 lbs)
- not aggressive with other dogs
- like cool climates
- good for apartment living (lazy)
- 10 year life expectancy
- Prone to separation anxiety
- require lots of food

Newfie Pros
- good swimmer
- protective, good with kids
- easily trained
- "A man is not a good man to me because he will feed me if I should be starving, or warm me if I should be freezing, or pull me out of a ditch if I should ever fall into one. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much." H.D. Thoreau, Walden
- Presidents Hayes, Grant, and Buchanan all had Newfies
- good for apartments (lazy)
- Lots of health problems due to size
- massive shedding
- aloof
Boston Terrier

Boston Pros:
- don't need a lot of space
- high energy
- crazy looking
- highly regarded as the best dog ever
- at one point was popular with the upper echelons of society
- lovable personalities
- allergies
- something called "cherry eye"
- skittish
- too small and "girlie"
- vocal
French Bulldog

Frenchie Pros:
- small but badass looking
- low energy
- requires little space
- happy-go-lucky
- can't live outdoors
- incredibly expensive because it can't reproduce (requires c-section and artificial insemination)
- make horrible noises
- can have cleft palate
- breathing issues
- can be really ugly if you get a bad one
- top heavy

Bloodhound Pros:
- gentle
- affectionate
- stubborn
- clumsy
- hard to train
- excessive drooling
- there is a high rate of bloodhounds being put up for adoption once full grown
- loud
Pot Belly Pig
Potbelly Pros:
- highly intelligent
- clean
- friendly
- curious
- affectionate
- won't need to sweep as much
- they come highly recommended as great pets
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