
Last night I had a dream that I was trying to bake a red, white, and blue cake and I went down to the convenience store (luckily located on the third floor of my apartment building) and found all the ingredients but left the store having forgotten to buy any of it. I returned back to the apartment, having forgotten everything and panicked. How was I going to bake my cake? It was all ok though because Tony Bourdain lived on the eight floor and he could totally help. So I knocked on Tony's door and he was shirtless (of course) and he led me into his giant apartment that just looked like a food storage warehouse or something and I was like "Tony I have to bake a cake." And he was all "You don't even need eggs. Here are two ginger ales and some sugar. That's all you need." He was surprisingly nice considering his reputation. I was like "Thanks, Tony! See ya around!" and he was like "Sure, kid." How cool is that. The cake rocked, by the way.
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