Satanic Courses

Has everyone been watching Top Chef? Yes the show that is as good as I'm sure the food on it tastes is back for it's third season. Throughout the show's history many questions have been brought to light -- why is Steven's tie so fat? Can I bone Sam? How does Marcel's hair stay up? -- but one, and only, has plagued me and my fellow watchers the most: Who the hell is that hottie judge, Padma, and why is she qualified for to be a judge? Her vague Bravo profile mentions something about modeling and a few cookbooks, but her Imdb profile doesn't reveal anything all that special. As far as we know she's just a pretty face with a B.A. in theater arts and some background in food writing.
I didn't delve too much into it. But people continued to ask, who is she? I knew there was something fishy about a model who writes about food. Everyone knows models don't eat. As Monique says, skinny chef's are not to be trusted. Today, I found out.
She is the fourth wife of famed author Salman Rushdie. Here I'd been, worshipping this man since high school, saving myself for him...and then BAM! HE'S MARRIED TO THAT TOP CHEF WOMAN!
Crazy, right? That's why she's famous! Despite being 23 years her senior she found love with one of the most influential and dangerous writers in our time.
Do you think he ghost writes her books?
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